Friday 25 October 2013

Βίντεο της ΚΝΕ για την 28η Οκτωβρίου... Video by KNE for the 28h October

Βίντεο της ΚΝΕ για την 28η Οκτώβρη

Μάθε την αλήθεια!
Το χώμα που πατάς, λευτέρωσαν με αγώνα ΕΑΜ-ΕΠΟΝ-ΕΛΑΣ!

On October 28th, 1940, Fascist Italy invaded Greece. Greek People, fought heroically and threw them away, untill Nazi Germany declared war and invaded as well in April 1941... Greece had to suffer a four years occupation, with a lot of losses sacrifices in infrastracture and hundreds of thousands of innocent victims...

Greek communists, although outlawed and under harsh persecution by the fascist dictatorial regime of I.Metaxas, stood up from the very first moment and fought from the first line of battle against the invadors. During the nazi occupation they organized the people's resistance, with amazing results... Before the end of the war, almost 90% of the greek soil had been liberated, the National Liberation Front (EAM) counted some 2m. members and The People's Liberation Army more than 100.000 fighters.

The following video is a contribute of the Communist Youth of Greece to this heroic period of the greek people's strugle and greek communist movement, on the occasion of the National Day of October 28th...

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